Elevating social impact together

We help you achieve increased revenue through purpose driven initiatives.

  • CSR and ESG

  • Employee Engagement

  • Foundations

  • Philanthropic Strategy

  • Donor Advised Funds

Read about our clients and case studies.

What We Do

We work collectively to lead initiatives focused on positive social and organizational change. 

  • We provide leadership to companies and corporate executives to effectively build and implement your corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy.

  • We guide on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) frameworks to connect all stakeholders.

  • We advise organizations in developing programs to advance community investment goals. 

How We Can Help

Children playing with chalk photo

Our Values

Lead with kindness

At our core, we believe kindness is a primary driver of connection and humanity.  Kindness is imperative to advancing a more just, equitable, and peaceful world.

Act authentically

We are true to ourselves and value everyone’s unique vision. Acting authentically is critical to building trust.

Grow the goodness

We are driven by helping others — and lifting that good across communities.

Listen intently

We are listeners first.  We want to hear your stories, understand your challenges, and support your initiatives.  Listening helps us build relationships and develop the best approach to achieve social impact together.

Be in community

We work together in the community toward impact. And the secret sauce is found by leading with kindness, listening intently, growing goodness, acting authentically, and being in the community.

“Susanne and Stacey joined our work at a pivotal moment for our organization. Their professionalism, candor, broad thinking and organizational prowess were priceless as we set forth in new form as a non-profit. Bringing them on for 6 months was an absolute game changer for our work and set us in a new and exciting direction fueled by intentional planning and structure. Best investment our organization made in its 16 years.”

— Sybil Urmston, Co-Founder, Calling All Crows

Let’s Talk Purpose

Working with you, we can develop the right corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategies and frameworks for your organization.

We can also help you decide between a donor-advised fund and a private foundation.

We’re successful when you achieve your revenue growth and community investment goals.

Let’s talk.

I’d love to hear about your social impact goals.